Oli-hub of University of Ioannina
The Oli_HUB is an agribusiness HUB that operates in the premises of the University of Ioannina – Dept of Agriculture in the Kostakii Campus in Arta and also in the web. It is designed to bring closer stakeholders in the olive sector (farmers, SMEs, cooperatives, quality centers, academics etc) and provide collaboration services.
Oli-hub of Region of Vlore
[if gte mso 9]> <![endif] The Oli_HUB is an agribusiness HUB that operates in the premises of the Regional Council of Vlore – in Vlore city, also through the social network of facebook. This HUB aims to bring closer the stakeholders that operate basically in the region of Vlore in the olive sector: farmers, SMEs, agriculture centers and institutions, academics etc in order to
Oli-hub of Municipality of Berat
The Oli_HUB is an agribusiness HUB that operates in the premises of the Municipality of Berat as an office space with the entrance in the main street ‘’Republika’’. The spaces of the Oli Hub provide a sufficient room for gathering the stakeholders in the olive sector, such as farmers cultivating the olives and olive oil producers.